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Simple session with the TAL-1


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Just a quick session with Jess (Niece) and her Dad this evening. Having tidied up and collimated the Tal-1 we took her out for a spin around the old favourites (those in the limited FOV at their house)

Venus, a tiny Mars, M45, M42 the Hyades etc. Just using one of the EPs that came with it having not had my gear with me, 25mm I think.

Sharp across 80% of the field and so easy to manoeuvre.

Aldebaran a lovely colour, discerned the half disc phase of Venus and the colour of tiny pinpoint Mars. Most of M45 in the FOV and M42 and the Trap etherial. The trap didn't split but some nebulosity was visible.

Very nice.

Home now to setup properly in my own spot.

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Just come in from observing at home. Contrary to a recent post (I said I'm inconsistent) I've been looking at things that don't reside in our Solar System from home!!!

Was hoping to split E&F in the Trap with the 5" newt from the darkest corner of the garden I could find (6.06/20.4 measured in the SQM app) but the seeing was awful and I could barely discern A-D. Collimation checked ok and focus with the Bahtinov was bang on. There were some moments of sharp seeing but insufficient to achieve my goal. Maybe another time

So I swung around to Perseus and surroundings and looked at some clusters, sketched a few to verify what they are and will upload those in a separate post I think. 

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