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Started on a rosette NGC 2237


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Hi, and merry Christmas everyone :)

Except for a few short tests, here is the first image from my obsy.

It has been rain and fog for a long while, but I finally got two nights of imaging.

Lights: 15x 600s, 15x 180s.

Calibrated with superbias, and bias subtracted darks. "I have not installed the flat-light source in the obsy yet, so no flats"


First image completely integrated and processed in PI, and first image with all data collected remotely!

It does have some dings and scratches and could use more data, but here you go :)



Let me know what you think, and feel free to comment on improvements :)

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Good start! If you don't have much vignetting and no dust bunnies to take care of, you can clean up the background and any gradients, by using DBE in PixInsight.

You got some lovely detail in the nebula. The star shapes are different on the left and right side. Something that is misaligned in the optical train??


Good luck, and Merry Christmas

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Thanks for the comment Wim.

I have noticed the tilt before, but I'm not sure what it is.

I do remember a thread where someone grinded down the push fit of the field flattener I'm using to get rid of tilt. https://www.firstlightoptics.com/reducersflatteners/skywatcher-field-flattener.html

If that is not the issue then it might be the sensor is misaligned after astromodding?


I'm in the process of deciding on a ccd, so will have to see if it's still there when I make the switch :)

Getting everything in the obsy working is a iterative process of baby steps!


God jul :)

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