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A small irony.


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So, if you'd do a mosaic with your longest fl, would you "just" stitch together one target (eg M31), or go for a super wide field with dozens of frames, getting maybe most of Cygnus? Would there be a benefit using a long fl over a shorter one?

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28 minutes ago, wimvb said:

So, if you'd do a mosaic with your longest fl, would you "just" stitch together one target (eg M31), or go for a super wide field with dozens of frames, getting maybe most of Cygnus? Would there be a benefit using a long fl over a shorter one?

If I ever finish mine I'll let you know :wink2:

Dave :icon_santa:

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Since you mention M31, I have a (very) long term and occasional project, just purely out of sheer interest. M31 was the first ever object i imaged and processed entirely by myself so it has a special place for me. I think i am just curious as to what the additional resolution will give, and hopefully some improved processing.

Trouble is, at 1200mm and a 8300 chip, it is 35 frames with 10% overlap to cover the galaxy and have a decent border. My original effort attached. I could be long forgotten before this one gets done :icon_biggrin:.



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I started mosaics with a longer FL scope, but soon decided that a wider setup was just the job, but then, as always there is that interesting bit just poking in to the top left corner which requires not one frame but a whole row, and yes there is another interesting bit just coming into sight!!!!!.

This is where the amature comes in to their own, I think we produce the most detailed wide field images out there.

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On 21/12/2016 at 10:02, ampleamp said:

Since you mention M31, I have a (very) long term and occasional project, just purely out of sheer interest. M31 was the first ever object i imaged and processed entirely by myself so it has a special place for me. I think i am just curious as to what the additional resolution will give, and hopefully some improved processing.

Trouble is, at 1200mm and a 8300 chip, it is 35 frames with 10% overlap to cover the galaxy and have a decent border. My original effort attached. I could be long forgotten before this one gets done :icon_biggrin:.



Heroic! Jonas Grinde did a big one on M31 as well.


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