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Using drugs to see better at night.

Chris S

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I have recently suffered a tear in my retina and have had it fixed by laser eye surgery. Because of this I have had lots of eye drops to dilate my pupils both for the surgery and to examine my eyes at later dates. These drops make your pupils huge, much larger than normal even when dark adapted. I wondered if some form of dilating drops could be used/have been used as a way of seeing better at night for astronomy.

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This thread was initially hidden as we thought it an unwise topic for discussion. Upon reflection, we decided it would be better to put up some information regarding the negative effects and the reasons why it is not a good idea. The thread will remain visible but locked.

Here is the info. The most significant point against this is the relaxing of the eye muscles which results in blurred vision, the opposite of what you want to achieve.

Suffice to say....


Info links:



Side effects:

Light sensitivity and blurry vision (especially for near tasks) may be noticed. Both side effects gradually disappear. Sun glasses may be helpful after a dilated eye exam. Children can return to school, but teachers should be aware of blurred vision while reading. Allergic reactions are rare with drops used for examination, but include lid swelling and red eyes. Side effects from atropine (which has a longer duration of action) include fever, dry mouth, flushing of the face, and a rapid pulse. Rarely atropine can cause a new onset of eye crossing (esotropia), or worsen an existing esotropia.

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