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Great night observing.


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Hi Got out last night, haven't been out for a while due to heavy work load. It was a clear night but not as clear as it could be but good enough to see most. I got my 200pds last april and haven't used it much so looking forward this winter. I have been using a skywatcher 130p and has been a great scope.

After initialising my obsy hardware and opening the roof I did a 3 star alignment in CDC. My first object to view was Andromeda using the Skywatcher 28mm ep, it was much bigger and brighter compered to the 130p as expected and still amazed everytime I look at the faint fuzz.

I then slewed to M45, using the 28mm still, I was graced with a full framing of the stars and what a sight it was, although there was coma present towards the edges.

Next up was the Double cluster, wow never seen it that nice, this 200pds is really showing it's strength.

Had a look at M81 and M82 but was a bit low to get a good light into the scope as the side of the obsy was blocking the end of the scope.

I went back to all the above several time's before calling it a night. I  was amazed that EQmod behaved itself nerver timed out.

After lasts night viewing I'm very pleased with the views through the 200pds and need to sort out the coma with a corrector to get better edge views or get a better EP.

I'm looking forward to Orion and Jupiter this coming winter.

I needed something to get me motivated to get out and after last night has done that. Hope this get you doing the same.

Thanks for reading.

Clear skies. 

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great report mate, the seeing was amazing here to, spent a hour with the big binos and then had to put them down to do some imaging, Orion looked wonderfull showing nice blue and a hint of red in the neb, hope tonight will be the same. clear skys, charl.

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