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Veil Reprocessed

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I'm definitely making progress with enhancing DSOs while not overblowing the stars, I think I may have over done it this time!

Gradient Exterminator is a wonderful thing, but even after removing every trace of a background gradient my widefield images still have stars that are reddish in the direction of the local light pollution and bluer further away. The effect is exaggerated by applying HLVG as yellowish stars become redder.

This was one reason for holding back the stars in this image, and also why the nebula isn't anywhere near as red as I can get it

Is there away of doing a sort of colour balance + gradient in Photoshop so I can neutralise this effect?



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Now you mention it, i do see the blue/red/top/bottom issue. I still love the composition.....understated nature of the nebula and background. I appreciate it (and your skills) are works in progress and long may you continue to improve and get results that you are happy with (others liking your images is a bonus). I like this as is. Its a different take of the Neb and perfectly acceptable to myself and im sure many others.

P.S.~not sure ive ever seen an image here on SGL of the whole of the Neb in a single FOV. Its usually just a single part alone.


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