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NGC 6946


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At last a few clear night so I managed to grab some subs of NGC 6946.

C8 mounted on an EQ6 and guided with a Borg 77mm. The camera was an Art 285.

Luminance = 18 subs of 10 minutes each

RGB = 12 subs of 10 minutes each respectively

Processed with Maxim and CS3 and a touch of Noel's actions.



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Vince, have I got this right, did you give each channel 2 hours of combined exposure, along with the 3 hours of luminence? That's a great effort. were you at 2000mm focal length or using a reducer?

There are a lot of sharpening artefacts in the image. I think if you stepped back a bit on the sharpening it would look more natural. Did you combine the colour in Maxim or PS?

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Many thanks for your kind comments.

The exposure was a total of 9 hours. 2 hours for each RGB and 3 hours for the luminance. The C8 was fitted with a 0.5 focal reducer and the image was aligned in Maxim and stacked in CS3.


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