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Meade 4.7mm UWA eyepiece


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While work at the observatory the university took delivery of 8 meade 4.7mm UWA EP and 6 apo's 80mm 500mm focal length doublet apo's not sure if i can meantion the supplier but it came from a 'house' if you know what i mean.

anyway i would just like to say that thesse eyepieces are the worst that i have ever used exsept from the ones i got free with my first few telescopes.

they have no eye cup, and the sharpness are poor and not up to the price tag '£154' each.

if they were mine i would sent all of them back and never buy a high power eyepiece with a wild angle fov. the problems with them are unbeleivable they showed not detail on the sun through a 60mm coronado and were shown up completely by my own meade 5000 9.7mm and a old 10mm celetron ep.

could someone tell me how the four meade 5000 ep's i bought off ebay for £32 are so much better than these?


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... if they were mine i would sent all of them back and never buy a high power eyepiece with a wild angle fov....

Not all wide (wild :shocked: ) angle fov eyepieces are bad ... I've found William Optics UWAN's and Tele Vue Naglers superb, but they are expensive .....


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i never said that they where all bad i have used some very good Wide 'wild' angle ep's but the short focal length one's just seemed terrible to me they offer nothing to improving the image that i saw through the telescope over a cheap free ep that the uni have had for years. which it should given it's high price!!!!!

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At least you didn't have to pay for them from your own pocket! I have a 2" 30mm UWA Meade eyepiece and that gives stunning contrasty views. I've always avoided wide angled higher magnification eyepieces though, there are better designs available for this work in my personal view.


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