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My first M27 -DSLR

Roy Batty

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i thought you knew all about planetary nebula.....did I get this wrong.

I believe there is a halo around M27, the first death-throes of the aging MS star. I imagine gendler has got the halo. I would imagine this would be Halpha, all the intervening material has absorbed the high energy photons...but dont take my word

As you know I like to correctly expose the stuff that you never knew was there

I would think light pollution does more damge to SNR than poor Ha response, a good LPR filter does wonders. even my orion

Guess who

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There is a halo round M27 which is actually more visible in OIII than anything else....I've found quite a few of the planetaries have OIII visible halos. M57, though, has a halo very visible in Ha.



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i thought you knew all about planetary nebula.....did I get this wrong.

I believe there is a halo around M27, the first death-throes of the aging MS star. I imagine gendler has got the halo. I would imagine this would be Halpha, all the intervening material has absorbed the high energy photons...but dont take my word

As you know I like to correctly expose the stuff that you never knew was there

I would think light pollution does more damge to SNR than poor Ha response, a good LPR filter does wonders. even my orion

Guess who

Paul, Just a quick FYI - are you aware of just how cocky, arrogant and patronizing most of your posts appear to others? Not just this specific post, most of them "grind" in some way... I`m sure its not intentional, probably just the way way you construct your posts. Admins and Mods here have received an almost constant stream of messages about your posts, so we know its not just us who find them a little uncomfortable.

Anyway, this is just a heads up...

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It's a beauty of an image.

I have some shots somewhere taken with a modded 350D. You are more than welcome to the data to combine the two if you like, just send me a pm and we'll figure it out.



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A fine image and well processed. I know what stacking 60 plus 1 minute subs is like so well done. The reprocess is good as well. I use a Hutech 300d for astro and terrestrial imaging and its a fine performer for both, just use custom white balance on terrestial and theres no need for expensive filters.


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stevel, i will try and be more pleasant, Im not rying to offend. I know i can be grating at times.

Sorry to all those wha are offended...


I know NGC2403, he is a friend of mine and the post u quoted was a joke between friends. I dont talk like that with strangers

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