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Web Cam Resolution


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Hi Everyone, I have a question about webcam settings.

I have a modified MS Lifecam HD, using Sharpcap & Registax. My scope is a 130p SW Synscan / Stellarium.

I'm after advice on what video quality to use for moon, planetary & maybe DSO imaging, most info points to 640 x 480 but I can go to 1280 x 720?

So which one...or both?


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Not used the lifecam myself. I imagine 1280x720 will be fine for the moon, planets won't even fill the 640x480 pixels even if barlowed up on my 127 Mak, plus I imagine you'll get faster frame rates than at HD. When I used my modded ps3 eyecam, I kept gain as low as possible to reduce noise and used as high a exposure / FPS as I could - better to have the target slightly too dark than too light. Sometimes I'd drop to 320x240 and capture as 100+ FPS - think thats what I used for Jupiter in my avatar.


Where in Derbyshire are you btw?

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Lifecam has a pseudo-binning option called zoom and few frame size options. Zoom always should be max (no binning) and for planetary as small frame as you can use (smaller AVI, usually more FPS). For lunar - max frame. No matter which frame you pick - the planet size should be identical. If it shrinks (and the app doesn't shrink the preview) then check the zoom option (all assuming Sharpcap).


DSO imaging is not possible. You could try M42 core likely. It can't do more than ~0.5sec exposures.

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Hi & thanks for the advice, I have shot Jupiter & lunar at 640 & 720, with mixed results before this summer.  Now I have my Synscan I can experiment 'live' with the image / settings as the tracking will be active. I will take your advice & implement it with my next clear sky. 

I am Derby City. Despite light pollution, we get some seriously dark crisp clear winter skies. 

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16 hours ago, mak90fan said:

Very coincidental as both my friends who live in Belper told me the same thing last week! Is it looking likely it will happen? I think it's about time I probably joined one again. 

Looks like it



For the time being, it just looks like an excuse to go down the pub until they get their insurance (which is fairy enough!), can't imagine that'll take long though.


I'm pretty sure the East Midlands astronomy club meet at the cricket club. Was thinking of joining one myself, just to get a peek in a 12"+ dob ;)




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