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Diagonal Choice and care


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Hello. There is a lot of choices when it comes to eyepieces and the magnification choice , whether it be high or low power. The layers and type of glass used from the 3 layer basic type up to many many multiple layer glass type.  The field of view, Orthos 40 degree to massive wide field of the likes of ethos  . So a great deal of time spent on getting the correct eyepiece for your budget. Or go budget busting and just get the best eyepiece out there( debatable). But less time is spent on diagonal and the importance of a diagonal.

As I do love the views through a quality refractor, as in my eye's they always seen that bit crisper and sharper than a reflector. Also the views through the refractor always seem that more life like. I try and compare the view through a refractor  when compared to a reflector, like a HD television view compared to a normal television view. Both are nice but the HD(refractor) is just that more defined and life like. 

Due to my like for the refractor view and my great appreciation the 120ed apo capability,then I do try and get some nice quality eyepieces for it. But obviously there is no point in having a great refractor telescope and matching it with some high quality eyepieces if there is a detraction and loss of quality by the third item such as the diagonal. 

Therefore the diagonal is a very important factor in the refractor set up and I feel that sometimes it's importance is overlooked and almost an afterthought of just get a diagonal and it will do. The thought I feel does not always enter that there can be a vast amount of difference from the quality of diagonal available. So the diagonal you chose may be taking away from the great view you may get from your telescope and eyepieces choice. As i have said before your telescope set up is only as good as the weakest link in the optical chain. Therefore I thought I would post this hopefully to get some views of some far more experience members and try to get an opinion on matters.

Firstly as there are a great deal of members who have spent a great deal of time at the eyepiece than me . and also have had the experience of owning numerous diagonal from cheaper alternative to the top of the range Zeiss type. From your ownership of these diagonal ranging from the standard coatings up to the new dielectric, then in your opinion which are the two best diagonal you  have ever used , and the reasons you rate these diagonals above other less worthy opponent's 

The second question is when it comes to the care of the diagonal itself. Through the use of time diagonals seem to suffer an Ingres of dust ect. What in your opinion is the best way to clean a diagonal. As obviously when it comes to a primary mirror on a reflector, there is a school of thought that seems to say remove the mirror and wash it in some very week soap ect ect. I would be interested in the cleaning advice on a diagonal and the difference in cleaning a standard diagonal mirror compared to a dielectric. Blow off, brush , or when some type of washing or cleaning products .

I hope this topic will be of Interest to other members and hopefully helpful and informative posts will follow. Thanks 




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So far I just blow off any dust on my 2" dielectric mirror, and my 1.25" prism diagonal. If there is any stubborn dust that doesn't blow off (not very often) I use a light brush with a lens brush. Not had any need to clean any diagonal further than this so far, but have Baader wonder fluid & cloth at hand in case I need too. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I own a WO Quartz diagonal. It s a great dielectric diagonal and it can be washed by taking the mirror out and washing it like a telescope mirror, at first with water and soap, then with 99% alcohol to get rid of the sticky droplets that remain. I also advise against washing  it every month. Let the dust be, wash it once every two years. 

Clear skies,



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