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Best night in Essex in six months


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Drove out seeking darker skies in horribly light polluted Essex. To the delight of my long suffering wife, we saw a badger, a fox, an owl, multiple rabbits and a rat cross the remote road; only to find all three of my favourite park up  sites occupied by couples in strangely rocking cars. So we headed home. Then Wow!

Couldn't believe my eyes. I could identify the Andromeda Galaxy using the naked eye and then numerous other DSO'S via my 8inch Evo with rare clarity. Admittedly all were still only a smokey smudge, but I could at least see their broadly defined outlines. The Cat's Eye Nebula even offered a little colour and M11 (Wild Duck Cluster) was awesome. What a shame over published Hubble images raise aspirations of even better. Then the internal battery started to flash. I reckon that's about eleven hours across five sessions since its last charge. But time to quit. Welcome Autumn and it's starry treasures.

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