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Struve 2303 - Haas Doubles error ?

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I've so far spent a very pleasant evening sketching doubles in Scutum, using Sissy Haas's  'Double Stars for small telescopes' and the new edition of the 'Cambridge Double Star Atlas' as my guides.

Haas lists Struve 2303 in the entries for both Scutum and Serpens.  The Cambridge Double Star Atlas shows this double to be in Serpens.  Is this an error in Sissy Haas's book?

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Sometimes Sissy will double entry if doubles are very near boundaries.

Σ162 is down in the book in Perseus and Andromeda. It makes sense if you're concentrating on one constellation not to miss out on something good nearby. Σ162 is a stunning triple, worth observing at this time of year under,

clear skies !


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7 hours ago, cotterless45 said:

Sometimes Sissy will double entry if doubles are very near boundaries.

Σ162 is down in the book in Perseus and Andromeda. It makes sense if you're concentrating on one constellation not to miss out on something good nearby. Σ162 is a stunning triple, worth observing at this time of year under,

clear skies !


A comment on CN suggests that the reason may be that some of the original observations pre-date the tidying up of constellation boundaries by the IAU in 1930.

This means that some doubles have moved constellation since the original observation, hence the confusion.

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