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neglected doubles?

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I was looking through my observing notes just now and I thought this might be an interesting question to ask...

* What are the most neglected doubles you know of -- doubles you think should be famous showpieces that you never hear people talking about? *

Famous' is relative, of course; rho Her, 145 CMa and zeta Psc aren't on my personal well-known list, but Google suggests I'm a step behind here, so I'll kick off by suggesting (colours from my own notes):

psi1 Psc (29.6", mag 5.3/5.5) 'pale lemon-yellow and pale blue'
59 And (16.6", 6.1/6.7) 'clear white and duck-egg blue'
phi2 Cnc (5.3", 6.2/6.2) 'identical, clear white'

Looking forward to your thoughts!

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Iota Trianguli (6 Trianguli), 4.5 mag, 4" separation, and the other fainter and wider double a half-degree to the east. I see the two pairs in an 82° eyepiece at 128x (or 102x); they look like a non-white and unbalanced version of the Double-Double in Lyra. Iota is yellow/yellow-orange, the second pair is grayish blue but my artificially colored sky might skew the perception. An 80mm achro splits them easily.

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There are just hundreds worthy little talked off contenders. Just turn up at a star party and ask if anyone's looked at doubles ! Some are in plain sight such as the fabulous 

Altair, it's got a delicious faint violet companion at 192" , Altair itself is amazing,
One point eight times our sun's diameter, it's rotating in 11 hours at 210 Kms per sec. Our Sun takes a month at 2km per sec. It has become distorted by this rapid spinning and was the first main sequence star to have the surface imaged.

Alpheratz, white and purple, the companion is +11.1 at 89.3".

Wasat ,red purple companion at 5.8".

Sarin, faint powder blue companion at 11.0".

Rasalhague, orange red and turquoise at 4.8".

Kurhah (Xi) in Cepheus, lemon white and royal blue at 7.9".

Bogardus, a triple with lilac and pale violet companions at 3.8" and 135".

The optical Shedar.

Some have position, such as the nearest to us,
Groombridge 34 , 1/4 degree from 26 Andromedae, 2.3" at 00h15.5m. +43 44'.

Kruger 60 in Cepheus at 22h28.36. +57 46. Really fast rotation will give you visible position changes over 40 years.Can't wait until I'm 104.

Triples are just amazing, don't know why they're neglected, my favourite is in IC1396, violet and green companions, Σ2816.
π Arietis is also current.
65 UMa will give you white yellow and blue.

Some constellations are just packed. All the main stars in Lyra are double , excepting gamma.

Then scan through Sissy Haas and the wonderful 200 best most colourful stars website.


Thanks for posting those stars, it's wonderful to research and post these things. It's good to have another crusader banging the drum for such pleasing sights. When the boss has stopped giving me orders for house elf work I'll dig some more out,
Clear skies !

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Ben - I love iota Tri but I'd never noticed the double to its east before.

Nick - some of my favourites there, xi Cep and theta Aur in particular are old friends (although I didn't know their names!). I didn't know that many of the well-known bright stars have faint companions - Altair?! Amazing. Pi Ari is on my list but inexplicably I haven't seen it yet; also GRB 34 is on my list of the brightest red dwarfs and closest stars but wasn't flagged as a double, thank you for reminding me, now highlighted! Multiples are some of my favourites too, in fact I've got iota Cas on my to-do list for this evening :)

Clear skies!

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