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Observing chair and solar filter made of wood.

Guest Tuomo

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Hi folks!

I'd like to present you my very own hand made observing chair and solar filter for my 12" dobsonian. Chair is actually quite basic chair. Found instructions somewhere from the forums and made one for myself. Solar filter is my own idea. It fits very well and wont fall, because of weight and rubber sealing. BTW I had to brace chair with two extra beams. Chair broke under my enormous weight just when I was observing Mercury transit :D (TBH the chair part was too thin and I had to figure something out). At least I remember that day from my acrobatics as well as transit) Is there any downsides having solar filter that large?



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Yes, I do like the chair, looks simple and quick to adjust. Hope this one takes the weight better :). I managed to break a professionally made one...... fixed it ok but it was a fun journey to the floor when it happened :).

Not sure about a square filter though. Will you not get some diffraction artifacts if the square edge is cutting across the aperture?


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3 minutes ago, Bonnylad said:

That looks a simple and effective chair, but I'd be happier with bigger teeth with more surface area. Smaller ones may round off pretty quick (like a blunt saw.)

I'm going to make one anyway. Thanks for the pics.

You are right! Cant see it from pic, but those teeth are rounded and chipped. It works now, but as time goes by I might need new chair.

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