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The Iris Nebula


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first dedicated LRGB image, and it fought me the whole way. The only good thing from the frustration of temperature swings ruining entire imaging sessions was it inspired me to make and employ the SGL homebrew autofocuser, which seems to be working brilliantly

should probably get another 100 luminance subs, but I have other targets in mind that i'll never get to if I spend the summer on the Iris




Baader Blue: 56x120" bin 1x1
Baader Green: 49x120" bin 1x1
Baader Luminance: 40x120" bin 1x1
Baader Red: 30x120" bin 1x1

ASI1600MM-Cool @ -15C

Orion 200mm f/4 newt

Orion Atlas EQ-G


critique always welcome - always looking for ways to improve


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Me too; love it, that is. You have a bright core, detail in the dark nebula, and nice star colours. In short, a wonderful image.

But it seems you also got some colour variation in the dark nebula around the iris.

If you use PixInsight, a carefull background extraction (DBE) might clean this up. Otherwise you can also mask the bright areas and decrease colour saturation selectively.

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