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Impromptu Star Party...


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Went out earlier to setup hoping to image Saturn before it dipped below the trees. The neighbours were puttint their bins out and asked what I was doing. Explained my plan and pointed out where Saturn was and a lovely bright orange mars that was already out of view from where I setup but could be seen just moving a little up the street. Told them to come back in about five minutes and they could take a look through themselves and see the ringed planet then I popped back in to grab the leads etc for the goto. By the time I got back out another family were waiting patiently to have a look too, having heard us talking ealrier and getting the words "Saturn" "Telescope" "look"! Everyone watched intrigued while I tapped in the time etc, with one of the parents asking about price, why I needed to add the time etc. After a brief explanation of the goto system (should have said, Celestron Nexstar 127) he was trying to convince the wife that this was the next thing he needed in his life!

After setting up and pointing in the right direction everyone had a look. In the end there was my wife (normally never interested but hey time to gossip with the neighbours!), my daughter, my son, four adults and three kids who all took it in turns over and over to look. Lovely night explaning the stars and even a passing satelite overhead to point out. Missed the opportunity to image by the time it was done but still ended up being worthwhile going out.

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