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NAN "mini gulf"


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I have just seen some images from another site and hope it is alright to use this as an illustration of 2 features that I see visually. This image depicts them the best I've seen so far. Obviously they are much more subtle visually-and are in the "liquid shadow" category. They are distinct however and repeatable to view and are goto features on my list when the sky is good. This image belongs to Karsten Bader, what a great image this is. Underlined is a dark patch(dark neb?) in the body as well as the marked "mini gulf". From dark skies the SW120ED and my reflectors show this feature.



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Hudson Bay and the Great Lakes perhaps :-)

Neither of these are labelled as dark nebulae on Sky Safari which is normally good for this sort of thing. Interested if anyone else knows their identities.

In the 4", I can see Hudson Bay, but I've not spotted the dark area below. Another one to look for! The large dark swathe across the Texas area is doable in the 4" too, and I wondered if I glimpsed that dark scratch just above and right of there too.

Thanks for posting such an astonishing photo and your experiences of it though. So much to see. Good to have (yet more) reasons to return to this one! :-)

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I don't think these regions have any dark nebulae.  B353 is the closest but a little above and left of the "mini gulf".  From images this region still contains a reasonable amount of stars but without (or much) hydrogen being illuminated.

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Hudsons Bay - I like it :thumbsup:and perhaps gitchi gami for the lake?

Great that others are seeing these features, there is so much to see here. I must try to identify more myself, giving the areas name really helps IMHO. I'm interested in how others see these objects.

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Actually one more feature I reported on before. This image shows the "other layer" or underlying layer of nebulosity that I was talking about previously up around the outside of Hudsons Bay predominantly. This shows as a fainter, connected shade of this portion of the NAN- it shows around other areas too but not as well. Anyone else see this?

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"Gitchi Gami"... that's a new one for me... Google to the rescue as always... :-)

I've not seen underlying layer but it's still a very new target for me at the moment and I've not had a proper look from my dark site yet. - just my back yard which is maybe NELM 5.5 at zenith. Pretty excited to see this under dark skies this summer!

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