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Ha filtering with a DSLR, what are the options?

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Blessed as I am with very light polluted skies, I am keen to try Ha imaging as I understand this will enable long exposures with good contrast whilst letting the necessary wavelength light through to show the nebulae off.

But what is the best way to do this when using a dslr? Ideally the filter would be an EOS clip type like the CLS filter, or at least, somewhere connected to the camera rather than the scope, as I would want to to use it with all the OTAs.

Any ideas?



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Would your best bet not be to get a 2" Filter for your T-piece? One thing though as Ha will only let through a specific wavelength it will mean that only a quarter of your CCD will be illuminated due to the 2green 1 red 1 blue bayer matrix arrangement

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