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Hi All, 

I have just ordered a 13.8v bench power supply, my intention is to leave this in my garage and run a power line out when I wheel my mount out. I will split the power at the scope end and would like to have a USB hub for the mount and two cameras. Have you any recommendations for a hub that can be powered by 13.8v?  

Hope you can help,  I have sore eyes from searching eBay and Amazon.

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these are a very good brand, and this one seems a very good price, I use one and has never let me down, I know this is a 12v one, but works fine on my 14v bench supply, I do exactly what you are planning to do, run a bench supply in my garage cabled underground out to my pier, then with a 12v splitter run all my kit.



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2 minutes ago, Coastliner said:

Thanks Scott, I will look now. If you have a direct link link I will put you on my Christmas card list!

sorry, I've put the link in my origional post :)

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