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Second try at M27


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Had an opportunity to collect a second series of subs on M27 from a darker site.  Was able to get good tracking for 12 x 180sec in Ha and 11 x 180 sec in Oiii.  I also did 40 x 30 sec lum.  The seeing was bad, however, much worse than my first try at this target, and especially bad during the Lum exposures.  I processed these marginal data a bunch of different ways, looking to minimize the effects of bad seeing and get some sort of reasonable star color, all whilst keeping the deeper view of the nebula I got with the longer exposures in narrowband.  What I finally ended up doing was creating a fake Lum frame by stacking separately my new Ha and Oiii, and my previous attempt at Lum (with better seeing), stretching each of these separately, and combining them in a single frame.  I then did LRGB using this combined thing for L, and HOO for RGB.  This is the result.


Comments welcome, of course...


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