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CR 275 - Open Cluster


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Thanks for comments, wimvb. I do many clusters: 104 open and 37 globular from Via Lactea. And many others in Large Magellanic: 107 , and Small Magellanic: 24.

My best field of view from my observatory has much of them.

Many mates like to do the same objects, usually beatutiful nebulas. But clusters have much  beauty also. They are the result from "died" nebulae.

My equipment of photography are very limited: stock color Canon. My telescope has very good resolution: 0.65 arcsec/px. There are few photos and information of clusters. So, I thought: why don't do them ?

note: I did 72 galaxies and 58 nebulae, also . Some very beautiful, but stock Canon isn't the better camera to shot them.

My main goal is to see and know the sky. I have problem with my eyes: macular degeneration that doesn't let me see by eyepieces. Therefore, photo is the best way to do it.

Some of my photos can be seen as reference, since there aren't any others than old DSS black-white images. At least up to some mates do them with better cameras ! :thumbsup:

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You should change your name to 'Clusterman'!

Thanks for your informative postings. Its wonderful that the camera helps you to see the heavens. The canon dslr's (not just canon!) are actually terrifically versatile and powerful bits of technology that can open up our world without spending thousands and thousands...

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