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CCD weight issues on my focuser....

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Hi all, 

i want to ask for some advice / opinions, I currently have a mono Atik 383L+ and an SX motorised filter wheel, which I have had for around 7 months and not used yet, due to still using my canon DSLR.

i have an 8" SCT scope and I have bought a 2" Feathertouch Crayford focuser, which has the Starizona stepper motor fitted, but after doing some testing today the focuser even with the adjustable brake on almost full, won't move the load without slipping...the focuser is supposed to be able to lift around 6lb, but my kit is not that heavy....

so as this is pretty standard kit the camera and filter wheel, what am I supposed to do now...are ther better SCT Crayford focusers around, as I though I had already  bought the best...??

its the same on my small frac too, slips, but expected it on that as it is only a small 66mm WO scope and that focuser was not built for this type of load.

am wondering what to do next, as can't get a better focuser, but could get lighter kit.. I suppose... But seems a bit drastic, I have SX 5 position filter wheel! with built in OAG, and full set of LRGB and narrowband Baader 36mm unmounted filters, and the Atik 383L+ mono.

i have stepper motors  fitted to both scopes, so that does help with slippage, but apparently no where near enough :(:(

any ideas ??

i see loads of Images on the web of this set up hanging off the back of scopes, even saw it on the back of a skywatcher newt, with the standard focuser fitted....which I would not have thought was anywhere near the standard of the Feathertouch....



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