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DIY Tabletop mount help


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Hey everyone.  First post.  I have this old telescope that never came with a mount.  It's a 5 inch Newtonian.  If anyone knows David Fuller's youtube channel "Eyes on the skies" then you may know that he has a DIY tripod that anyone can make.  Which I am for this scope.  But I also want to make a DIY tabletop mount for the telescope itself to rest on the tripod.  This telescope came with rings as a mounting system.  That's it.  I have a main idea of how to make this mount, I have a low profile swivel on the way in the mail and locking knobs.  But I'm wondering about dovetails.  Which dovetails would work in the rings and then attach to another dovetail to mount to the locking knobs?  I hope that makes sense.  The locking knob will be attached to the mount which will also attach to (maybe) a universal dovetail so that I can loosen it to move for the declination.  The swivel is obviously for right ascension.  I'm just needing info on which dovetails to use (best bang for the buck).  I'm also open to other alternatives.

The images provided are exactly what I'd like to build.



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