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Jupiter in the early hours


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A clear night down here, but not so warm and quite a lot of condensation for the time of year.

Saw Jupiter low between the houses and hauled the scope around to quickly image it so no polar alignment or anything fancy like that.

Got one 'decent' AVI of about 800 frames processed in Registax and then some processing in Paint Shop Pro. A lot of effort for not very much, but you gotta do it.

Interestingly enough, I could see Ganymede right next to the planet but without over-exposing Jupiter I couldn't get it on the same image. In a better year, that wouldn't have been a problem.


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Very nice capture, there. I did notice Ganymede too last night, it had just separated out (01:35 or so). I wish I knew in advance that it was going to peek out like that, I would have tried to watch it/record it.

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