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Imaging with Intermittent Cloud

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Hi all,

I'm looking to make the move to imaging with a mono camera. I'm particularly interested in the new ASI1600mm cool.

From what I can see good results can be achieved with shorter exposures.

My question is would it be feasible or practical to try imaging with shorter exposures during the gaps between clouds. Is it possible to automate this using software? Is there a way to pause the imaging run if cloud is detected and resume when it has cleared?

I have a non-permanent setup and on a number of occasions I've setup under clear skies only for the clouds to roll in. I've then packed away and the sky has cleared again.



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I'm looking at the possibility of using Sequence Generator Pro for imaging and spotted 'Sequence Recovery' in the online help.

The description of this function includes the following:

"Primarily, this recovery works well for things like passing clouds or loss of guide stars for any reason (like auto focus with an OAG)"

Sounds like this is worth some investigation.


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