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Registax 5.1 file size (Lazy question)


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I know it's lazy of me to ask HERE, but I imagine fellow "Solarists" generate quite
large files (even compared to Planetary imagers). But I seem to be falling foul of
some kind of (2Gb) "file size" limit. Above that it assumes my mono images are
"colour" or just refuses to process the data?  I've tried various "options", but. :o

ODDLY, if I pre-process (straight copy) the data via VirtualDub, Registax CAN
read files. But they are 3X larger! ;) Can anyone help me with my hair tearing. :p

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In Registax 5.1 has an "Extended Mode" which can be selected by checking the option at top right corner of the selection screen


I have to admit that I have not had much success using this and consequently generally use AS!2 as suggested by Steve.

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