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Shall I buy the Astronomik ProPlanet 742 IR-pass filter?


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Hi all. I bought the Point Grey Blackfly GigE (EV76 Mono) camera mainly for solar imaging but  I'd like to try some lunar imaging with it too, with my 10" SCT. Looking around on this forum, I see many use the Astronomik ProPlanet 742 IR-pass filter. Is this suitable for my set up, does anyone know?  Any other recommendations/suggestions gratefully received! 

Thank you, Iain 

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I didn't use my ProPlanet 742 that much with my 8 inch SCT as I found the image got a little dark using a Barlow unless I cranked up gain/exposure time. I preferred getting a bit more light through using a red longpass (610 I think) but I wonder if the Baader IR670 might be a nice compromise between the two? What frame rate are you getting with your cam?

If I ever get around to lunar imaging with my 16 inch dob, I wonder if the 742 would be ace for that, as I'd probably be at a faster f-ratio with a brighter image.

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That's very helpful, thanks to both.  Interesting about the image being a little dark using a Barlow, as I do like to get in close with high magnification, so I may not go for the 742. Frame rate is not so good on my set up. It's something to do with my laptop (I didn't really understand the explanation at the time, and even less so now some time has passed...) The full frame rate is 15 fps, and with a reasonable ROI selection it's about 30-40 fps, and the top rate is supposed to be 60 fps, but I've not had that yet.  I have 16" dob too! Lovely instrument, but with hand guided tracking only I assumed it would be no use for imaging. 

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Hi, just to let you know, I popped in to see the ever helpful Nick at the Widescreen Centre in London yesterday, and he immediately recommended the ProPlanet 742 too. I thought it was worth a try at £33 so I bought it. I'll let you know how I get on, if the very effective 'wideband block filter'  of cloud sitting over Cambridgeshire ever shifts. 4 days now without a glimpse of blue or black sky...


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  • 2 weeks later...

I got the first chance to use the ProPlanet 742 filter: superb!  As warned, it certainly reduces the light a lot.  Even with the 10" it was noticeable, but the results are a step up for sure. I'll post examples on the forum shortly. Thanks again, Iain 

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