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Saturn and EP Excitement 29/05/16

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So I went out at about quarter to midnight for first light with my Hyperion 8mm just acquired from a chap on ABS. Spent about 10 minutes with the boiling seething mass that was Jupiter, GRS barely discernible. Although I was watching planetary soup it was very sharp and contrasty planetary soup, I switched to the supplied 10mm skywatcher thing which will be relegated to the back of the cupboard and although conditions were far from perfect you can tell the difference for sure. I can't wait to get out on a good night with it and point it at some DSOs.

On to the evening's highlight, Saturn. Having tweaked the alignment with the help of a reticle EP the other day I located the ringed beauty in the RDF and there she was nearly dead centre (disproportionately pleased with myself for this simple task I feel but simple things etc) 

With the poor conditions, and low alt of about 17 degrees it was not a pretty picture, however I've viewed Saturn for the first time in my telescope so therefore I'm a very happy bunny. Through the soupy mess and CA there were clearly rings and a gassy ball in the centre of those rings and I'm pretty certain that the Cassini Division even popped out at one point through the wobble (although this might be the Foster reality distortion/expectation bias field doing its thing).

I was beginning to doubt whether Saturn existed, in fact with all the clouds in my sky recently I thought perhaps someone had turned it all off up there :) Anyway, I saw Saturn tonight in case you weren't paying attention, I love this hobby which even at its worst can be so rewarding and I challenge anyone to convince me otherwise. 'nuff said, good night, clear skies.


did I mention....

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