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Technical Innovations ProDome HELP PLEASE


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Our Astro Society has recently purchased a pre used 10 foot Technical Innovations ProDome.

WE have hit a brick wall with the shutter pulley system as there seems to be no instructions or photographs of how to put it together.

If anyone either has one or knows how the shutter system works on this please let me know.

Thank you.

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Thank you Martin. We have a copy of the 72 page manual but it did not cover the electronic shutter pulley system-which is an optional extra. 

Fortunately Stuart Kingsley (from whom we bought the dome) found the instructions for the shutter system yesterday and emailed me a scan of them.

Just as well-it is like spaghetti junction.

Thank you again Martin. All we need now is our engineers and computer/electronic wizards to do their magic.


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