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Big Mak soon!

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As it appears you got the Skywatcher Mak, one fair word of warning I seem to have overlooked: The 2" 90° diagonal that comes with. It's pretty poor compared to what's available these days. So you may wish to look into some dynamite to blow another fissure in your bank-account. But I'm sure you know how to do that by now..... :p

Have fun -


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12 hours ago, nightfisher said:

Of to a great start

Indeed, although the nights have been rubbish since! Lol

Also, I know they often get stick here, but I can't rate AstroBoot high enough. I rang em Friday night (and emailed) about the missing centre bolt and they rang me yesterday (bank holiday) to say sorry and that it would be despatched today. Great guys whom I have always had great service from! 

Hopefully camping in Buxton over next weekend so Mak gets a trip out!

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10 hours ago, Dave In Vermont said:

As it appears you got the Skywatcher Mak, one fair word of warning I seem to have overlooked: The 2" 90° diagonal that comes with. It's pretty poor compared to what's available these days. So you may wish to look into some dynamite to blow another fissure in your bank-account. But I'm sure you know how to do that by now..... :p

Have fun -


I have indeed and am a Mak (and GOTO) convert already!

I had seen you mention that in another thread so I added a WO dielectric to my constantly expanding add on list (although I haven't used it enough yet to comment on the supplied 2" diagonal.

I'm hoping for second light and some pics this upcoming weekend in a pretty dark (and hopefully clear) location.

I'm off to source some dynamite now... Lol


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Great that you like it so much.

By the way, Arcturus is also one of the very bright stars, just like Vega, so it's nice to be familiar with it for your orientation.

Interesting to have bats circling you. I only ever see them at some distance and only recognize them by their strange flight patterns and flying in the dark.

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50 minutes ago, Linda said:

Great that you like it so much.

By the way, Arcturus is also one of the very bright stars, just like Vega, so it's nice to be familiar with it for your orientation.

Interesting to have bats circling you. I only ever see them at some distance and only recognize them by their strange flight patterns and flying in the dark.

We often see bats in the summer doing circuits in the garden but this was the closest I have ever been to them. They came so close I could feel them go past my head - it made me wonder if the mount tracking was attracting them somehow...?

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