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Synscan software update help.

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I was using a synscan goto telescope, a p130, I went to update the software on the hand controller and messed it up by adding the EQ mount software by mistake and when I come to use the scope it would try to point towards the floor and get into a position that my mount/tripod wouldn't allow, I think I need to update the hand computer to AZ mount software, does anybody know where to get the update and how to do it?

Sorry for not being more precise with my problem, its been  years since I used it and need to get it working again, I have been using skywatcher bins 20x80 but need toget my scope working again.


Thanks in advance.



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I have just turned on my handheld and it says on the screen:

>>SynScan AZ<<


is this right for my scope? I have attached a pic of the mount that looks like mine as my scope is at another address at the moment.

I'm wondering if I fixed my problem 2 years ago and Iforgot that I already done it.

Thanks again.



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1 hour ago, Cornelius Varley said:

The most current version of the handset firmware works for either eq or alt-az mounts v3.37 firmware The last az only firmware was v3.08.

So if i update to v3.37 it will work no matter what mount? Thanks for your help mate. 

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10 hours ago, Cornelius Varley said:

That is correct. The firmware automatically checks the mount type (eq/az) on initialising and loads up the correct alignment routine.

That's really good to know, i will work out how to update and do it. Thank you. 

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