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Heart nebula....my first 1800 second subs!


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finally managed to get round to imaging with 1800 second subs.....7 in total over 2 nights. hope to add more tonight.

this slightly different composition has been stretched to hell and back....stats as follows:

The Heart nebula and melotte 15
Ashton Vale, Bristol
and around half a mile from the bright lights of Bristol City's football stadium!
Camera: Atik 314L
Scope: SW Equinox 80
televue 0.8 flattener/reducer
guide camera: off axis guider with PHD
Mount: SW HEQ5
Artimus capture
Deep sky stacker
Adobe photoshop cc

Ha filter
7 exposures of 1800 seconds


hope that u like it....comments welcome.



Ha stack ruff stretch.jpg

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Nicely done Bob, stars look good for 30 minute subs, your a braver man than me :)

detail is starting to come through nice, I am a little surprised that for 30 minute subs

its not staring to pop out the screen a bit more as the HA looks a bit dark.

well done


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