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Looking for drivers for Feathertouch DH-1 controller

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Hello all,

i have come across one of these starlight focus motor controllers to use and am looking for the drivers, and Ascom driver, does anyone on here know where I can download or has anybody got a copy of them.

Also does anybody know if this will work with a serial to USB adapter, and on what operating systems it will be compatible...




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  • 5 years later...


Did you have any luck finding the driver? I have recently acquired a Feather Touch System with a DH-1 controller, and can't find an ASCOM driver. As a fallback, I have made an Arduino controller which drives the Feather Touch stepper motor, and emulates a Moonlight DRO controller's ASCOM interface. This was developed by Orly - https://www.andico.org/2014/04/arduino-based-motor-focuser-controller.html 

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