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DBE in PixInsight

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I've now started to run DBE on every single sub before integration & the difference is noticeable. I ran DBE on the M101 subs last night- all 230 of them- before stacking and the difference is clearly seen in the final combined image. I wrote a script to do this which works on a folder full of frames automatically running the selected DBE parameters (most worked out fine with just the one set of inputs) then copying the completed DBE corrected frame into a new folder- to do this by hand on 230 subs would have made anybody cry!

Give it a try if not doing it- you might be pleasantly surprised at the improved result as the colour channels become much more accurately aligned in the final stack and whilst a stretch still shows gradients you don't see them in Photoshop once you've stretched the linear image.

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I'm new to PixInsight having just taken out the free trial. Could you share the script? I'd like to give this a go, but the though of applying DBE to each frame by hand fills me with fear!

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28 minutes ago, Filroden said:

I'm new to PixInsight having just taken out the free trial. Could you share the script? I'd like to give this a go, but the though of applying DBE to each frame by hand fills me with fear!

I'm rewriting the script as it is far too specific to my computer & environment. I will share it with you when its in a kinder form.

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