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Just what causes that white cross?

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Against my better judgement, I returned home from work at 1am and decided to get the scope out rather than get some sleep before getting up early. I gave my scope about 20 minutes to cool before having a look at Jupiter. In my Meade 12.4 plossl there was a massively noticeable white cross through the disc of the planet, stretching out to the edges of the field of view. I have had hints of this before, but otherwise liked this eyepiece for Jupiter. When I switched to the Celestron X-cel 8mm it was gone, however seeing wasn't great so the view was pretty poor overall in both eyepieces. I was just wondering what causes this cross of light in the plossl eyepiece, whether it was the seeing or the eyepiece design/construction itself?

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Sounds like it could be diffraction spikes from the 4 vanes supporting your secondary mirror. They cause a cross effect when viewing bright objects.

Not sure why they should be more obvious in one eyepiece than another though ?

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