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Strange Lights


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A few hours ago I was reading a thread about a strange object in the sky. They had some pictures and it was interesting. This reminded my of a time, many years ago, where I had my own strange experience.

So here it goes...

I am 12 years old spending the night at my friends house and we were swimming about in the pool. It was about 8-9pm and everything was going fine untill the sky started lighting up in hundreds of colors. It looked similar to the northern lights except I live in Oklahoma. There is no point in the name "Northern lights" if the "northern lights" appear near the equator. 

There was something strange about these lights. Unlike the northern lights you see in pictures, these were concentrated. All of the color I saw was spread out within an area maybe 8 moons across. From the pictures I saw, the sky was completely covered.

One last thing, this was a very sudden event. It didn't just snap on, but it became visible fairly fast.

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Though a rare treat, the Aurora Borealis - or Northern Lights - can be visible as far South as even Cuba. Rare being the operative-word. Many times this event is triggered by the Solar-Maxiumum cycles - more on this here:


- and when the 'lights' appear, they can be rather rather sudden. Maybe not instantaneous like throwning a switch, but quite quickly still. Sometimes you'll see just a shimmering-curtain of white light rippling to the North. Other times you'll be treated to undulating curves of many different colors & ever-changing. Rare even up here in Northern Varmint.

Or those rotten Vogon's on acid again!


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