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PIXINSIGHT Image Integration subs (probably stupid question)

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Hi All

Probably a stupid one, but getting further into PIXINSIGHT and enjoying the extra "oomph" it gives but I do have a quick (stupid) question.

When using the batch preprocessing script, do you then work on the MASTER LIGHT frame that is produced, or do you stack the calibrated files with the "r" "c" and "d" suffixes in the registered folder generated by the script? I have been integrating the registered files, but was wondering what difference there might be from just using the LIGHT frame from the Master folder?

Or am I thinking too much about this?

Hope that makes sense.




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for best results you should restack the registered images ( the ones with R after them )

C stands for calibrated and d for debayered , I usually delete these

but as already stated the master light will be pretty good


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51 minutes ago, gnomus said:

You can restack the registered images, but I generally work on the master light.

Cheers Gnomus - I have tried both and, to be honest, couldn't see a difference, but then I am still skirting around the edge of Pixinsight - do you think there is anything more you can "do" to the image using the Integration Tool and the parameters that can be set there?

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1 minute ago, harry page said:


for best results you should restack the registered images ( the ones with R after them )

C stands for calibrated and d for debayered , I usually delete these

but as already stated the master light will be pretty good


Hi Harry - thanks - that is what I have been doing having followed your tutorial, I was just wondering about the various files  - the ones I have been keeping to stack are the ones on the registered folder - so hopefully I am, at least, using the right ones!





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The settings in the integration tool determine which statistics are to be used for combining the frames and for determining which pixel values are to be rejected.

You can play around with these to find what works best for your images. Be sure to NOT delete rejecion maps as these hod information about which pixels are rejected as being either too high in value or too low. If you find significant detail in these rejection maps/images, you should do the integration again with different settings.

Once you have examined the rejection maps, you can of course delete them.

Often the default settings can be used.

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  • 1 month later...

It is very easy to get into a great big file mess with PixInsight it does things so fast you get 3000 copies of something in 30 seconds.

I use the folder structure below & I don't lump all my subs into the one folder as sorting through them can still take a little time & its easy to snag the wrong file if your not careful. I copy the folder structure into my newly created project & it can even be seeded with a set of flats for 1x1 & 2x2 binning if desired.



Master Calibration Frames

Raw Subs



Cosmetic Corrected

It is then really easy to generate a new project from the master folder structure. Give it a go it really improves your workflow & gets you thinking logically. You just work down the folder structure starting at calibrated, cosmetic corrected, registered, stacked & finally completed for the stacked channels. It is then really easy to repeat a failed step by just jumping into the right folder.



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Hi Pyrasanth - very good structure there - I have tried to be structured, and I need to be more structured as I do have a tendency to go off half-cocked just to get an image and then forget what i have done - I am getting more disciplined though - and yes, PI seems to generate a lot of images - glad the ones from the ATIk are a lot smaller (file size-wise) than the DSLR!

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42 minutes ago, Marky1973 said:

Hi Pyrasanth - very good structure there - I have tried to be structured, and I need to be more structured as I do have a tendency to go off half-cocked just to get an image and then forget what i have done - I am getting more disciplined though - and yes, PI seems to generate a lot of images - glad the ones from the ATIk are a lot smaller (file size-wise) than the DSLR!

Thanks for the kind words. I find that projects complete far faster now in PixInsight as I know where everything is & what order they have been created- it's really easy to just jump into the objects and change one folder location. I have produced a base project that has all the tools on the PI workspace ready to go so I don't have to go to the process or shortcuts to quickly grab the tools I need. I wrote a script last night to automate a whole folder of subs to run DBE on every sub in the folder & then pass the completed DBE corrected sub to a new folder-with 230 images to DBE correct this saved me a lot of tedium.

A logical workflow and a little automation makes PI shine!

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49 minutes ago, pyrasanth said:

Thanks for the kind words. I find that projects complete far faster now in PixInsight as I know where everything is & what order they have been created- it's really easy to just jump into the objects and change one folder location. I have produced a base project that has all the tools on the PI workspace ready to go so I don't have to go to the process or shortcuts to quickly grab the tools I need. I wrote a script last night to automate a whole folder of subs to run DBE on every sub in the folder & then pass the completed DBE corrected sub to a new folder-with 230 images to DBE correct this saved me a lot of tedium.

A logical workflow and a little automation makes PI shine!

PI has a "favourites" section where you can collect all your favourite tools.

Do you run DBE on every sub? I only use it on the master light (integrated light)

The only folders I have is 3 or 4 for my subs (lights, bias, flats, maybe darks). The folders that contain intermediate images (calibrated, debayered, registered), I usually remove after the master light is finished. Especially any intermediate calibration frames I remove, keeping only the masterbias, masterflat, and masterdark.

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46 minutes ago, wimvb said:

PI has a "favourites" section where you can collect all your favourite tools.

Do you run DBE on every sub? I only use it on the master light (integrated light)

The only folders I have is 3 or 4 for my subs (lights, bias, flats, maybe darks). The folders that contain intermediate images (calibrated, debayered, registered), I usually remove after the master light is finished. Especially any intermediate calibration frames I remove, keeping only the masterbias, masterflat, and masterdark.

I am aware of the favorites section however what I have is iconised processes already configured with the master folders I have created so I can just click & go instead of click & feed data paths.

I used to run DBE on the integrated light frame but I find it much better to run DBE on every sub. The difference can be substantial. With a large number of subs this can be tedious hence the script I wrote to automate this.

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14 minutes ago, pyrasanth said:


I used to run DBE on the integrated light frame but I find it much better to run DBE on every sub. The difference can be substantial. With a large number of subs this can be tedious hence the script I wrote to automate this.

Must try this sometime.


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