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Using an IPad and Sketchbook


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I have been toying with the idea of using my IPad Pro, and one of the  drawing apps such as Sketchbook, to produce astronomical sketches of DSOs and planets. It wouldn't be feasible to do this at the eyepiece but I would do pencil sketches and notes for referring to afterwards. Having done a few doodles, it seems that there is potential for producing some good results but it's very early days.

Has anyone tried this method? 

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10 minutes ago, Pig said:

It sounds a good idea Kerry..... why don't you post some of your doodles and we can give you a score out of 10 :happy7:

Oh no Shaun - not until I'm a bit happier with them. Believe me 'doodles' is a kind description! 


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Ermm not sure,because you may do doodle out side and get back inside to either redraw or touch  the image up and turn it into some it's not ,that said I draw,sketch loads and what I would say is get a pencil  and paper and practice ,and remember your drawing for your self and no one else keep that in mind because what people do,is,draw for other people  to look at I draw to rcord things I usually do the moon because for me I love shadows that are cast .

thers to types of drawings,one is where you sketch what you see I do this ,the other is drawing to create what looks like a photo  ,give the ipad app ago and I look forward to your sketches also try this ,put any object on a table Apple ,a shoe a cup and put a lamp on the table so it casts a shadow ,try and draw it , repeat this a few times and do not compare your drawings till you have at least three and see how you go 



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