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Crater Plato and Vallis Alpes

Davide Simonetti

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Not an ideal night for astronomy, the sky did appear to clear but it was too murky for imaging deep sky objects and the seeing was pretty rubbish so imaging the moon was like peering through jelly. Still, something came out and perhaps with a bit more processing the shots can be improved. This image shows Crater Plato and Vallis Alpes cutting through Montes Alpes in the northern hemisphere near Mare Imbrium.

Image made from a 1000 frame video
Captured with FireCapture
Processed with PIPP, Registax and Photoshop.

Celestron NexStar 127 SLT
GoTo AltAz mount with homemade wedge
ZWO ASI120 MC imaging camera
x2 Barlow

Moon 12a.jpg

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