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DSS and Photoshop problem

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Hi, I seem to be getting something wrong in between my final stacked image in DSS and the 16 bit one I edit in Photoshop. So when I take the .tiff file to photoshop and convert to 16 bit I'm loosing a lot of data, if I just put the image into Photoshop and set a black point I get a much better image than any I can manage after converting to 16 bit and fiddling with every curve level and exposure under the sun haha is this normal or what? Thanks in advance for any help.

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I presume you are using the autosave which is 32 bit and converting it to 16bit.

Have you tried saving a file in 16bit in DSS use the save pictote to file in the processing box - you can call it something relevant from there too.



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16 bit has much less dynamic room compare to 32 bit. When DSS transform from 32 bit to 16 bit it maybe look at the lowest and highest values pixel have and then scale it down so that the lovest value set to 0 in 16 bit format and highest level is scaled to 65000 in 16 bit format. But if there is some defective pixel they could get enormues values after flat calibration depended on how the program works. Then you have to cut off all values lower then your real values and the same to the higher levels.


I don't think you can do this in DSS, I use Fitswork as a complement to DSS and in Fitswork you can do that kind of trick.


Normally I use DSS for calibration and stacking and then autosave to fits 32 bit format. Take that file into Fitswork and there I do the rest. If you are not used to work with Fitswork I have some tutorials on my homepage how to get started:




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