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Dew control

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I'm using a kendrick premium dew tape on my 11"edge with hitecastro controller but still getting a little dew forming in the central part of the corrector plate is that normal ? 

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Maybe it is just me but people seem to obsess about dew control. A dew shield/guard (most important) and a tiny bit of heat is all I have ever needed...

No dew controllers for me, just a couple of home made straps that consist of a strand of nichrome wire (wattage dependant on size of OTA) sandwiched between 2 parts of sticky backed velcro (the loop, not the hook). Cost is about £7 a piece.

The heat should be barely noticeable to the touch, I use my nose to detect the warmth (it is much more sensitive than your fingers).

Just my view of course.

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