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Moon 2/17 - Waxing Gibbous


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It was cloudy all last night and not a trace of the moon.  Right before I was going to bed I peeked out the window...and there she was in all her glory shining bright.  So I quickly ran outside with my Celestron Nexstar 102GT and Nikon D3100 and took a few pics.  Here is one of the frames. I did some processing in lightroom.  Funny thing is, as soon as I took a few pictures....I went to take another and all I saw was darkness...the clouds were back....  so I'm really happy the timing just worked out right for this pic.




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Thank you @laudropb  My goal is to take a picture of the moon every night for an entire moon phase (Obviously, not new moon when you cant see it. lol.)... but the weather hasn't allowed me to this. A couple months ago I was able to get about 2 weeks of shots straight and then right after the full moon, there were clouds for a week and I got nothing. lol  

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