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Calvin here, planning to build a Newtonian Telescope


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Guys can I build a Simple Newtonian telescope out of these available materials?

»Two 1.5cm thick and 20cm diameter plate glasses
»Two 14mm diameter with 10mm focal length small lenses(Can I use these as improvised eyepiece?)
»Small flat mirror for diagonal

Another question.
What's focal length can you guys recommend for 20cm plate glass?
I just wanna see the moon craters and Saturn/Jupiter if possible ;D


Hoping for informative replies. Cheers

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Thanks for response Dr.

I've been reading stuff about building a diy telescope for a couple of weeks now. No actions yet aside from preparing the sand grits needed for grinding. I don't mind the mounting yet coz we have lots of woods here. For now I want a functioning scope.

Waiting for recommended focal length for my blanks.

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Hi Calvin,

It's quite a few years since I ground my 200 mm mirror but I would suggest you aim for a minimum focal length of 1200 mm, i.e. an f/6 mirror. It gets much harder to figure a mirror correctly if you try for a smaller focal length. If you went for f/8 or f/9 you do get a rather long telescope but this is good for planetary and lunar imaging with the big advantage that you will get away with making a spherical mirror - much, much easier.

I would recommend you try and get hold of the book by Jean Texereau, 'How to Make a Telescope'. It is very good and gives detailed instructions.

Hope his helps.

Regards, Hugh


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