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Overview of my Equipment:

Scope 1: Celestron 127eq Powerseeker

Scope 2: NexStar 90mm Computerized Mak-Cass.

Camera: Nikon D3200 

Others: Celestron eyepeice/filter kit.

I've already started with astrophotography, but my results aren't very impressive. 

I understand that the alt/az mount isn't too good for astrophotography, but I've seen some astounding pictures taken from the very mount that I have. I don't want to buy a good equatorial mount knowing a similar effect can be accomplished through the scope I already have. I will buy a new optical tube though if that will help.

                 Question 1:

Alright, say I get multiple 30-second exposure pictures of a celestial body, what stacking software could I use to compile them that is Mac-compatible?

                Question 2:

Should I take multiple 30s exposure pictures, or one long exposure. Given I'll have to buy equipment to allow me to do long exposures. 

                Question 3:

I have been able to image M42 because its bright enough to be able to see it in the live-view of my camera. Due to this I can focus correctly, but for the faint things I just can't see ANYTHING in the live-view, and therefore can't focus!


I'm quite the newbie when it comes to astrophotography, so if there is any tips some experienced people can give me that would be great!

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Hi Herzy. The most important thing is the mount if you wish to do anything more than a few seconds of exposure. I started with an HEQ5 pro which is probably the minimum requirement.  A close second is choosing the right focal length scope for your target (s). Use one of the online FOV calculators to determine the best combinations with your Nikon. The sponsor of this site FLO has such a reference and they also sell the book you should buy before doing anything else. It is called 'Making every photon count'.

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Nebulosity runs on Mac but it is not free.  Despite the family and I being completely 'Mac' I still have to use my daughters old Dell PC to run DSS, PIPP and AS!2.  PHD2 and all my camera software runs very sweetly on my Macbook Air though.

For focussing do as happy-kat says using your live view mode at max ISO.

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