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Weird Blue Coloring


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I have converted a Microsoft Lifecam Studio Webcam into an eyepiece webcam and did some Jupiter captures earlier this year (I'm just getting around to posting about it) and I'm wondering if anyone else is getting weird artifacts in your images. I have posted some examples below.

You can see in the first image the blue artifacts are more pronounced in the lower left of the image and fade towards the top-right. The left to right seems to be a larger problem then the top to bottom, which you can really see in the second image.

Any ideas? I do not believe it has anything to do with ambient lighting due to the uniformity of the coloration, but I need to do some more tests I suppose.




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My guess is that what you're seeing is the colour balance on the camera needs adjusting. I suspect the camera/capture software combination is making a hash of automatic colour balancing. Try a manual colour balance setting. My guess is that any gradient you are seeing is the effect of atmospheric dispersion superimposed on the colour balance problem.

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