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Hi thinking of buying a binoviewer...Revelation or Astro Eng...?

Any advice would be helpful

Thinking of using with meade 10 & 26mm eyepieces on both my LX90 10" and Skymax 90...anyone used these before...do I need any accessories...magnifier x1.6 or x2 or can I use a normal/short barlow,,,???

THANKS to anyone ho helps...



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The SCTs with their moving primary offer a lot of focus travel and so you would not normally need a 1.6x, 2 x etc to get focus. I have the WO version and found that the 1.6 jobby introduced colour when viewing through a refractor.

The binoviewers themseleves are great particularly for the moon, saturn and jupiter through an sct/refractor and so I quite happily recommend one.

I have picked up several pairs of meade eyepieces to use in the binoviewer but find that the best eyepieces for this use were the supplied ones. Don't know if it is a matching the eyepeices as pairs issue.



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... the best eyepieces for this use were the supplied ones. Don't know if it is a matching the eyepieces as pairs issue.

I don't know why either but the WO Swan and Pentax XF are popular choices for binoviewing. If anyone can explain why some eyepieces better suited than others... :shocked:

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