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Yet Another Flame and Horsehead

Stub Mandrel

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This was another of my runs the other evening which was severely hampered by only being able to do 30-second subs.

It didn't get the framing right either, but like most of my pics it 'shows promise for the future' :-)

At least it proves you can do a DSO using the 150PL and an EQ3, although remote release (and balancing the scope better) will help!


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Nice catch!

DSO with this setup is definitely possible, but seemingly far from optimal. I have a similar setup, but with the EQ3-2 GoTo. As for remote release, I prefer to tuse the synscan connected to my DSLR or a cheap timer/release like this one:


How many subs did you take for this image?

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Well, there are lots of well published images of this region which fail to split Alnitak and split it you have, with a country mile of separation....


Thanks Olly, I suspect that was partly because of restricting each sub to 30s, but helped by a reasonable aperture and good focus - looking back at my earlier attempts I shudder to see how badly some are focused!

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