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My Cellestron 114LCM goto modification

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The mod I did was nothing  more than adding a 12VDC tractor battery to eliminate the short life of the AA batteries it came with. Images follow. BTW I must apologize for the size of the images I was hoping for smaller sizes, well next time.

I had a Husqvarna battery charger that didn't like lightening. Cut the charging wire close to the charger then drilled a 1/4" hole in the base of the go to base of the telescope and inserted a 1/4" rubber grommet. I was a bit concerned about getting the wires through the opening but just managed to do it.


As you can see I had to reverse the polarity of the wires due to using a 9VDC battery connector to make the connection to the base


By using the 9VDC battery connector I can use either the eight AA batteries that come with the scope or power from the 12VD tractor battery as seen in this image


Here is a better view of the tractor battery. You can also see the water proof (well mostly) that when disconnected allows the clipped end to be attached to the new Husqvarna battery charger.


I think that is all except here is an image of the scope taken after the mod.


Hope this the right place for this post, if not please move it to whatever place is appropriate.

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Absolutely agree with Brian.

In the event of a fault, your tractor battery will supply enough current to melt the PCB tracks,,,,,,,,,


Hi Robert, nice mod! Have you thought about putting a 'quick blow' in-line fuse on the +ve feed wire from your tractor battery? Would be a real shame to fry your motherboard if the mount develops a problem!

The forth image you can see the fuse holder that came with the Husqvarna charger so yes there is fuse protection.

Absolutely agree with Brian.

In the event of a fault, your tractor battery will supply enough current to melt the PCB tracks,,,,,,,,,


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