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Looking for an budget wide FOV eyepiece


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I have an Orion  Starblaster 6 Dob   f 5.0  1.25 ep

I am looking for a wide FOV eyepiece  +- 70 °
The reason is most of my astronomy is scanning for DSO's  , So I could use a wide DOF. I miss to many
My Orion 25mm 52° FOV has a 1.7° AFOV 30X and I could use the extra AFOV
So far I found 2 choices. Not much under $ 200.00 CDN

Hyperion 24 mm 68° FOV TFOV 2.15° 30X $ 159.95 CAD
ES 24 mm          68° FOV TFOV 2.15° 30X $ 186.99 CAD

I could go under $ 100.00 and get a 32mm Plossi , but I like the objests a little larger

Is any one better or are there other choices ?

Thanks in advance

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Your 24mm 68° choices are probably as wide as you're likely to get.

Once you go over 24mm and the 68° magic numbers, you are into the realms of the 2" EP.

As you've rightly said, you could go for a 32mm plossl, but it's a slightly smaller FOV and at a lower magnification.

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As Ben has said, a 24mm 68 degree eyepiece will show as much sky (true field of view (TFoV)) as can be seen in the 1.25" format and the additional magnification and AFoV (apparent field of view) provides a nicer presentation than a 32mm plossl I feel.

Of the two eyepieces you mention, I feel the ES 68 will perform better across the whole field of view in your F/5 scope than the Hyperion can. The 24mm 68 degree eyepiece will be showing a TFoV of approx 2.2 degrees so a bit more than the 25mm does.

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There is, or was, an Antares W70 (70 degree) at 25mm. Which I suspect gives the widest you will get.

Antares is as best I know a Canadian manufacturer and Vancouver Telescopes used to sell Antares eyepieces but their site has none on it.

The Speers-Waler eyepieces stop at 17mm so the magnification reduces the FoV.

I only know of them as I have 3 at the shorter focal lengths.

However the 25mm still magnifies the object in view so a DSO may be less apparent in a 25mm W70 then in a 32mm TV plossl.

The other aspect is sharp images across the full field are generally difficult and so expensive.

So do not expect pin sharp to the very edge.

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